Since I’m such a geek about chemicals and finding natural solutions, this was an exciting discovery. For those of you who remember the days of dying eggs with the PAAS kit, here’s a great alternative to those artificial egg dyes. Using spices from your own spice rack and other items you may have around your kitchen, you can now have dye free eggs. No more artificial ingredients and chemicals.

Add the ingredients to boiling water and let it simmer until you see the color you desire. Since this isn’t an exact science, you may need to add more ingredients to the water or add more water as needed. Let the dye cool. Strain the ingredients, if you need to, and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the dye. The longer you soak the eggs, the darker the color. Have fun!

Yellow/Gold: Boil 3 Tablespoons of cumin or turmeric
Yellow: Steep 2 to 3 green tea or chamomile tea bags in hot water.
Orange: Boil paprika
Red: Boil red onion skins or red beets
Lavender: Steep hibiscus tea bags in hot water.
Blue: Boil 4 cups of chopped red cabbage
Rusty Brown: Boil chili powder
Brown: Boil old coffee grounds or use old coffee as a dye
Light brown: Boil dill seeds or just buy some brown eggs!

There you have it! Experiment to see what colors you can mix together!

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